selfhealing: trust & the inner knowing

trust & the inner knowing

‘Unconsciously, we all rely on the power of nature’
That’s the first sentence of the VSM commercial that inspired me to think about it. The reason why it inspires me, is because actually they’re right. We do. Think about it. When we have a cold, or a headache we trust that our body will heal itself. We know that it will happen and so we just wait until it’s over. Maybe we’ll take some extra vitamine but mostly it’s an inner knowing. An inner knowing that it will be alright and it’s also the trust. The trust in our body that it can and will heal itself. I don’t know what the reason is but whatever it is… We hold on to this inner knowing and unconditional trust.

It’s interesting, beautiful and fascinating that we do this. But why does this only happen with ‘small’ diseases? And not with the bigger ones? What is the reason that this inner knowing and also this trust magically disappears when the disease gets bigger? I know, it’s propably fear and also a little of the programmed mind. And maybe it’s logical because that’s what we’ve been learned for years. So of course we automatically think that we need the doc and maybe some meds to get and feel better. We’ve been learned that he wil tell you what to do or what to take and you’ll be fine. But now I’m thinking… Is this true? Do we need him or this to heal? Don’t get me wrong because I’m not saying that it is wrong to take meds or to go see the doc. And sometimes it’s necessary. But the past few days these questions keeps popping up in my mind. The most important one is:

Is it possible to heal by ‘just” having the inner knowing and unconditional trust in your body all the time?

In Love and Light