Vitamiene b12 & inspireality: a problem or a gift?

A matter of perspective…!
Connecting the dots & B12

For years I thought that my vitamin B12 deficit was a bad thing. I mean.. It is, isn’t it? It’s a disease… Duhhh that’s really bad. We feel pain, we are tired (forever and always!). We feel like an empty engine and it sucks. So… Of course it’s kinda true. Having a disease like this is bad. The thing is… We’ve been told our entire lives what’s good and what’s bad and we instantly believe it. Well… Guess what… We all need to do some re-thinking…

It’s just a matter of perspective.

Sometimes a bad thing isn’t really a bad thing. It might actually be a good thing. A friend of mine recently told me that “sometimes bad news is good news”. And that’s definitely true. You have to learn to look at things differently.

In this example I’m using my ‘B12 deficiency’ problem to explain. Looking differently at my ‘problem’ made me discover the fact that it isn’t really a problem. We made it a problem but it’s actually a gift. A gift from above. Wow?! But how?! Is she really saying this? Could this actually be true? That’s what you’re thinking right now, isn’t it? Well… Hell yeah, I’m saying this! Think about it…

Most of us have had this problem since 2012 (the year of the end of the maya calender). The earth was given a new energy since that time because we’re moving from 3D to 5D. The earth is moving to a new dimension and our bodies should be to! We (’typical’ b12 people) are all highly sensitive and are experiencing spiritual growth.
This spiritual growth is moving very fast since the problem (2012).

After connecting the dots I finally understood that the things we feel, as a result of our B12 deficiency, are a way to show us that we’re transforming from THIS dimension to a NEW dimension.

So… In conclusion… It isn’t a problem, it’s a gift. Realizing this helped me accept my problem and gave me so much inner peace that I wanted to share it with you, to inspire you and tell you that you’re not in this alone.

In love and light and with a special thanks to Bo Baden who helped me realize this by giving me the information that was discovered by Hans Reijnen.
